The University-wide Graduate Student Groups listed below are open to graduate and professional students across all schools, and provide cultural, academic, and social programming.
Don’t see the group you’re looking for? Learn how to create your own! The Graduate Center can provide guidance on how you can create a new student organization, and what resources are available. Visit the Graduate Group Guide for information on starting a university-wide group.
For more information, visit the Graduate Center’s WUGO page, select the “Organizations” tab, and choose “Graduate Center” from the “Categories” drop-down menu.
Africa United Graduate Association
Africa United Graduate Association strives to create a community and sense of belonging for African graduate students in Washington University in St. Louis.
Black Graduate Student Association
The Black Graduate Student Association seeks to build community amongst incoming, continuing, and past graduate and professional students of African descent across the African diaspora.
Chinese Students and Scholars Association
CSSA is an independent, non-political, non-profit organization of the Chinese Students and Scholars (CSS), by the CSS, and for the CSS.
Graduate Christian Fellowship
WashU GCF exists to be a place where graduate and professional students at Washington University can encounter, know and enjoy Jesus Christ.
Graduate Professional Student Council
GPSC is a unified student government representing all graduate and professional students at WashU.
Korean Graduate Student Association
KGSA aims at painting a friendly social atmosphere and solidarity within the community of Korean graduate students at Washington University and promotes assisting students and faculty members at Washington University to have broader and more insightful understanding of Korea and its culture.
Latin Graduate Student Association
The Latin Graduate Student Association LGSA) is a student group that addresses the social, educational, and professional needs of Latin graduate students and those interested in Latina/o and Latin American issues at Washington University in St. Louis.
ProSPER: WU Students Promoting Science Policy, Education and Research
WashU Graduate Students Promoting Science Policy, Education and Research (ProSPER) facilitates student exploration of the relations between science and policy.
Taiwanese Graduate Student Association
The mission of TGSA is to promote the culture of Taiwan and to encourage the interaction, cooperation, and goodwill in and among all organizations of Washington University.
Umang: The Indian Graduate Student Association
The purpose of Umang is to provide a forum for closer interaction among graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and others of Indian origin at Washington University.