Payment/Reimbursement Guidelines

To reimburse a student for a graduate student group-related expense, submit the the following: itemized receipt, proof of payment, and a social expense form. To pay a vendor directly, please submit the vendor’s invoice along with the social expense form. Documentation should be saved into a single PDF and emailed to

Itemized Receipt

Must be original receipt showing what was purchased

  • Be sure the receipt includes the business name & contact information
  • Be sure the receipt has English translation if written in another language

If you buy food from a restaurant, the receipt must show an itemized list of the food:

  • # of dishes/items
  • The cost associated with each item

If you buy items from a store or from a website, the receipt must show:

  • what items were purchased with the associated cost.
  • A receipt showing the total amount without itemization is not sufficient.
  • Proof of payment – must show how items were paid for.

Proof of Payment

  • Receipt/invoice must show that payment was actually made.
  • If you pay by cash, ask the vendor to mark the invoice/receipt as “cash payment/paid in full”
  • If you pay by credit card, turn in your credit card receipt (mark out your card # or other non-related expenses that you are not being reimbursed for)
  • If you pay by check, turn in a bank statement or copy of the cancelled check for the transaction.
  • A receipt turned in with amounts without proof of payment is not sufficient.
  • For events with 13 or fewer attendees, please list the names of all attendees
  • A group’s treasurer must approve all expenses from your group account (approval may be via email). If the Treasurer is being reimbursed, the President should approve the expense. The person requesting the reimbursement may not be the group representative approving the expense.

Students and vendors need to be reimbursed in a timely manner–please submit all requests for reimbursements within 14 days following events. In order to be reimbursed for a graduate student group-related expense, all items on the checklist must be turned in. Typical processing can take 3-7 days AFTER you turn the required documentation into the Graduate Center.