Yuanyuan Liang

Yuanyuan Liang

Exploring the Intersection of Geochemistry and Entrepreneurship: My Internship Journey

It was an immensely enjoyable experience, and my time at Impossible Sensing has been truly enriching. The preparation for the presentation involved several practice sessions with my supervisor and fellow interns, and I am pleased to share that I delivered a successful presentation!

Hello, I’m Yuanyuan Liang, a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate specializing in geochemistry at Washington University in St. Louis. With my expected graduation date set for May 2024, my academic journey has led me down exciting paths, one of which I’m eager to share with you through this blog post.

I am privileged to be part of the Washington University in St. Louis Pivot314 fellowship, a program designed to nurture entrepreneurship in the St. Louis area and guide Ph.D. candidates like me in exploring diverse career avenues. As a fellow, I had the remarkable opportunity to embark on an internship journey that combined my passion for science with a thriving startup environment.

My internship took place at a local “mid-age” startup named Impossible Sensing, where innovation takes center stage. The company specializes in designing and crafting instruments that have the remarkable ability to measure organic contents in various environments, not only here on Earth but also on distant planets.

The experience I gained at Impossible Sensing was immensely rewarding. This internship proved to be an educational and enriching one, leaving a positive mark on both my scientific knowledge and my personal interactions. From a scientific perspective, I acquired substantial knowledge that will undoubtedly shape my academic and professional journey moving forward.

However, the value of this internship went beyond the scientific realm. The atmosphere at Impossible Sensing was characterized by camaraderie and mutual support. The entire team fostered an environment where connections were strong, and assistance was readily available. Every team member demonstrated unwavering dedication, illustrating their commitment to achieving their goals. They served as exceptional role models for the entire team, embodying the spirit of collaboration and ambition.

The guidance I received from my supervisor was particularly instrumental. Regular meetings were held to monitor my progress, ensuring that I was on the right track. These sessions were not just about guidance; they were about encouragement and empowerment. The interactions with my colleagues were equally enriching, as I witnessed their dedication and enthusiasm firsthand.

The most rewarding aspect of my internship was the newfound exposure to the industry. As someone immersed in academia, this was my first glimpse into the workings of a startup environment. The experience was overwhelmingly positive, surpassing my initial expectations. It offered insights that went beyond textbooks and research papers, providing me with a comprehensive view of what my career could entail.

As I reflect on my time at Impossible Sensing, I can wholeheartedly recommend this internship to anyone seeking a holistic learning experience. Whether you’re a graduate student like me or someone curious about the possibilities at the intersection of science and entrepreneurship, this internship will undoubtedly broaden your horizons.

In conclusion, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have been part of the Impossible Sensing team and WashU Pivot314 Fellowship. My internship not only contributed to my academic growth but also allowed me to witness the power of teamwork, dedication, and innovation in action. I am excited about the future and eager to carry the valuable lessons I’ve learned into my continued journey in academia and beyond.