Graduate Writing Commons

August 30, 2024 to December 6, 2024
Every 7 days
9:00 am
The Graduate Center, Women’s Building Room 005 (United States)

Are you a WashU grad student with a writing project? Do you work best working alongside your peers? You are welcome to join the Graduate Writing Commons for quiet, dedicated writing time, with the added benefits of accountability and community. All graduate students, from any school and at any stage, are welcome. 

The Graduate Center (lower level of the Women’s Building) will host writers on Friday mornings, 9am-noon, throughout the academic year. Space is limited, so sign up below for the sessions you can commit to attending for the whole three hours.

If you can’t make it to a session you’ve signed up for, please email to cancel so that another student can have that spot.

We also welcome walk-ins on the day, if space is available.

Kate Harnish from The Writing Center and Meredith Kelling from The Center for Humanities will get each session started by guiding writers in intention setting. The bulk of the time will be dedicated to writing. Come for three hours, get three hours of writing done!

Coffee and tea provided to fuel your writing!

Questions? Contact Kate Harnish (