Timothy A. Wencewicz, associate professor of chemistry; Petra Levin, the George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg Professor of Biology; Manel Errando, assistant professor of physics; Daniel Thorek, associate professor of radiology at the School of Medicine; and Deborah Veis, professor of pathology and immunology at the School of Medicine, lead this cluster focused on the development of cross-disciplinary team-based training and technology advancement in the area of infectious disease imaging. With particular attention to resistant bacterial infections, the team will develop imaging tools that enhance the study of infectious diseases in laboratory settings, facilitate diagnosis in the clinic, and guide treatment to improve outcomes.
About Future Fridays: The Graduate Center is partnering with the Arts & Sciences Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures initiative to host informal lunches where graduate students can connect with faculty leading the initiatives. First Friday Futures will be held on Fridays at noon throughout the spring 2023 and fall 2023 semesters and will be an informal way for faculty teams to speak briefly about their work, and for students to engage in questions and conversation.
Registration for this session is now closed.